Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Scrubs": The Creator Of Brilliant Ideas

There is something to be said for having a license. You know, something other than the freedom, independence, being able to go where you want to etc etc…

I like to tell myself that, really, me not having a license (and also me being to lazy to do anything about this…) is actually a good thing – I mean, I catch public transport and therefore do not pollute the air and thus save the universe (well, not entirely save, but you get what I mean…) and also I get good exercise walking everything and…

Yeah, let’s go back to the public transport thing actually. Coz really, it ain’t that great. Well, it is great with the low pollution etc, but some of the people on the bus make catching it to work in the morning a harrowing experience.

You have several types on a bus – The Quiet People who read or listen to their iPod or chat quietly amongst themselves…

Then you have the Loud, Abusive Drunks, The Overbearing *Think-They-Are-Charming-But-Are-Just-Seriously-Deluded” Guys… the Sleazy Staring Guys (who, if you didn’t gather from the name: STARE. Very obviously. AT YOU. *shudder*). And the People Who Are Attracted To My Seat.

No, seriously.

Every morning. Empty seats behind me, in front of me, TO THE LEFT OF ME. And people will always choose to sit right on the seat next to me. And then they will relax. They can be the smallest person ever, but when they relax – they expand. Not only do they now sit in their seat, they also now sit on half of my seat whilst I huddle against the window in my severely decreased space… And I don’t dare scooch away. Because I’m terrified if I try and move away or to another seat, they’ll get offended and think I don’t like them, think that I think they smell etc etc…

I know, I know. It’s petty. It’s pathetic that it annoys me. I know this for a fact as, at our last family dinner, my attempt to explain how annoying it was ended with my elder sister demanding, “But WHY is it so annoying?”

To which my muted reply was, “BECAUSE… I have to put my bag on my lap.”

In my defence, it’s a big bag. (Also, she had the unfair advantage of having drunk less wine than me that night and therefore her arguments were more sound and rational…)

But I shall move on. To the more important topic of last night’s dinner. Inspired by Scrubs.

I got home, tired from a days worth of nothingness at work with just enough energy to go for my daily run. But no energy left to utilize my imagination in regards to what I would cook for dinner. I spent approximately 15 minutes standing in front of an open fridge, seeing, staring, trying to muster energy. After turning down the Boy’s offer to join him in a Red Rooster binge (because there are SO many vegan options at Red Rooster I’m sure…), I finally saw something. Soy yogurt.

Then… it hit me…


Otherwise known as, ‘BREAKFAST FOR DINNER!!”

Could life get any better than breakfast for dinner???? :D

Yes, inspired by Scrubs (see episode “My Bad Too”… no, better yet, just watch ALL Scrubs episodes because they are friggen awesome!), I concocted what fellow food bloggers will recognize as a yogurt mess.

Bliss – mango-peach soy yogurt, Vogels Soy and Linseed Ultra Bran, ¾ of a mango (I say ¾ as the remaining of the mango took a detour to my mouth and never made it to the bowl…), a handful of puffed corn, lashings of cinnamon and a drizzle of fake maple syrup. It looked stunning, brilliant – until I took my spoon and mushed and mixed the entire thing into one mess. As you do :)

Oh yes, and of course I had with it my two pieces of toast spread thickly with the old Aussie classic – Vegemite :) Yes, I know it’s an acquired taste. Yes, I know I put it on so thick that you can hardly see the bread. But I loves it. Spending two months in Europe deprived of its strong taste led to many a fruitless search amongst foreign supermarkets…

And tooonnniiiggghhhhtttttt is late night shopping!! Whoot! I have a $60 voucher burning a hole in my wallet, absolutely no self control when it comes to shopping and sheer determination to spend, spend, spend!! Should be a good night :) Not only late night for clothes stores, of course, but also a chance to stock up on fresh veggies and health food tonight, hurrah! Been craving some organic hummus with pita bread – yum!

In any case, it will be better night than last night where I fell asleep on the couch at – no joke – 8:30pm. Lame. AND I turned down an offer to go out with my mates to a half-price cocktail night. Double lame. I must be getting old!!

In any case, I was awoken from my cramped, foetal position on the couch by a gigantic bear hug from the Boy, so that made up for such a dull night :)

Well, I must be off lovlies! Time to trawl the blogosphere as I while away the hours of work (instead of, you know, actually doing work haha)



P.S. For the record, in regards to the constant advice that your parentals give you on cutting AWAY from yourself… Listen to it. Seriously. Because fingers bleed A LOT. And, being a vegetarian, blood in your food – even if it’s yours – isn’t appealing… >_<

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